
Trump is a .......

 Much of the news especially the so called conservative media / news constantly mention President Biden's age and verbal mistakes. So what is my opinion, anyone can forget and misspeak. But Joe Biden is a decent man who has served well. Trump on the other hand promises retribution.  For what one must ask.  'Above all else, Donald Trump is a rapist'


More on woke:   Woke is a modern pejorative, how did that happen, for many it has no meaning outside the negative. It is the N word, the J word, the S word, the H word, etc etc revised. Or is that revisited. No need to think, just call it woke. Bill Maher delivers a diatribe recently that compared it to the very thing it opposes with no obvious irony. DeSantis uses it often and being an autocrat, it fits him well - name call - don't think. It comes out of the far right republican (so called) conservatives need to deny change, stop progress, or exclude the other. Why ponder, why consider, why learn, when you can label. Why acknowledge difference. Fox and other so called conservative networks like Newsmax and OAN use it often for it fits much of their audience and they must play along for the audience. You'd think humans would recognize by now the evil labeling creates but no, labels still work.  "T

Are Newsmax, OANN, and Fox Media threats to American Democracy?

Add:  03/2024 "Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil  Watching Fox media recently it occurred to me, why.  Why are they so anti-democracy. There is no balance in their coverage.  What does it say about advertisers and even their spokespeople.  -------  Most of the information presented by Fox OAN and Newsmax pretends to be news but is opinion. Opinion that appeals to a segment of society that already agrees. Opinionated presentation targets divisive issues rather than reporting or analysis. It is an internal political correctness that sees news or politics through an agreed upon lenses that is often anti-democratic, anti-science, and even anti-intelligence. These media sources pretend to be conservative they are not. They conserve nothing, they posture, dismiss, and divide. It is an irony that Fox has become worse in an attempt to keep OAN and Newsmax at bay. Viewers are money. Modern American so called Conservative media

Supreme Court Readings SCOTUS

Update:  Robert's or should I say Trump's SCOTUS is a kinda joke today. Three or four perjured themselves over Roe and they continue to kowtow to the religious right and Trump. Sad.  If there is a hell it will be full of Supreme Court justices. ;) 'The Supreme Court's Fifty-Year Battle for a More Unjust America' by Adam Cohen 'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' by Ian Millhiser "Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. " http

Inside The mind of our leader....

Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ??? I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too. Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family. I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working. Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great. I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge. Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe. How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere. Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much. Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond, similar haircut. Parscale and Miller told me

Russian Troll Talks

Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful. Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think knowledge is stable and real, we know better. First a little history. When the online comment and communications boards began most people had no idea of the power and influence they would eventually create. AOL chat was an early participant as was Yahoo, it was often childish and its format not open to propaganda and idea dissemination. Anyone remember Yahoo answers, it too was occasionally interesting, but the audience wasn't wide enough and we needed better directing and focusing, we needed to target an audience that would believe or even just doubt. But something else was going on and had been going for a long time. Think Tanks (TT) formed a model for the control of information. RAND and

Fact Paradox and Random Musings

Edit 07/2020 - I left lots in, removed a few items, and as always used few words so as to create questions, perplexity, and thought. Take in small doses for words can provoke thinking, even wisdom. I hope. The birth of time and space as we understand it occurred some 15 billion years ago. If opinions are only opinions what are opinions. Certainty is unscientific. Imagine bacteria from a space probe starting life on another planet. Some scientists claim humanity has a 50/50 chance of surviving this century. The Mosuo are the only known significant matriarchal society. A nation of great wealth disparity is an un-freedom nation. Thousands of Americans and it is estimated over a million Iraqis have died so far over these WMDS. How long can one remain silent. Japan invaded the United States on December 7Th, 1941, today American flags adorn Japanese cars in America. Free will is an essential myth. What the heck is woke? Cancel culture egads now a few words are all you need. Yo