
More on woke:



Woke is a modern pejorative, how did that happen, for many it has no meaning outside the negative. It is the N word, the J word, the S word, the H word, etc etc revised. Or is that revisited. No need to think, just call it woke. Bill Maher delivers a diatribe recently that compared it to the very thing it opposes with no obvious irony. DeSantis uses it often and being an autocrat, it fits him well - name call - don't think. It comes out of the far right republican (so called) conservatives need to deny change, stop progress, or exclude the other. Why ponder, why consider, why learn, when you can label. Why acknowledge difference. Fox and other so called conservative networks like Newsmax and OAN use it often for it fits much of their audience and they must play along for the audience. You'd think humans would recognize by now the evil labeling creates but no, labels still work. 

"The main hypothesis concerning group-think is this: the more amiability and espirt de corps among the members of an in-group of policymakers the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and the dehumanizing actions directed at out-groups."  Irving L. Janis in 'Sanctions for Evil' 

A history of “wokeness”


'What Does #Woke Really Mean? / By Elif Shafak'



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