Donnie John Trump self made Myth

The estimated federal deficit next year will exceed a trillion dollars, boosting the national debt past $21 trillion.
Trump had promised to eliminate that debt entirely, you go Donnie and republican hypocrites, bet that tax bill was good for you all.
Draft dodger Trump is the Dr Reo Symes of modern American life and his fans buy into the product line.
Fake university fake foundation fake wine company fake tax returns fake football team John Barron fake fake fake.
How about the ball-less republicans couldn't face a woman but turned cheerleaders for a lying spoiled rich boy.
After Sniffles Kavanaugh is confirmed, Roy Moore is next in line, a real devil's triangle in the SCOTUS.
Trump snowflakes now think the Clintons were behind hurricane Florence, what powers huh. You go Trumpies.
President Trump cites China's respect for his 'very, very large a brain' kinda like a large empty dump truck we guess.
Fox kowtows to Trump BS, can anyone explain why their news and opinion is so biased and lacking integrity. Anyone?
When did the religious, the Christians and evangelicals in America get so tainted that living children, immigrants, don't matter?
Donnie Trump's administration to cut Head Start, cancer research so they can fund child detention camps, how American is that.
Trump always claimed the world was laughing at us and our president, guess he wanted to continue the tradition.
Why is Puerto Rico complaining, didn't you toss them paper towels, good job Donnie. Heard John Barron agrees.
Five hundred plus days have passed and Mexico still hasn't paid for the wall, can I hear a rally chorus,,,who....
Rand Paul a civil libertarian wants to lie detector everyone over a letter to the editor, talk about a real libertarian.
They laughed at our president, they should really laugh at his supporters, they are the ones being played.
Rudy throws out nonsense followed by contradictory nonsense and Trump fans listen never realizing the difference.
Donald Trump said it best, “I love the uneducated.” Now everyone knows why.
According to John Barron, Donnie Trump is the greatest, the bestest, the most richest, the smartest....
Why is Trump making all these decisions? What is our congress for? Should we eliminate them, think of all the money America would save.
Trump rally stats: sixty eight percent of Donnie's claims are false, misleading or lacking evidence, you go Donnie.
Even Trump rally snowflakes are selected because they're kinda special, conditioned to cheer nonsense, a real great character trait.
Deep State, oh deep state wherefore art thou deep state. there is no deep state but please don't tell Trump snowflakes.
Breitbart is the National Inquirer of news on Trump and republicans, checkout line baloney for the easily deceived.
Donnie Trump likes Brett because they both lie and lie oh and lie. Birds of a feather flock together.
Donnie the majority of Americans want you impeached but many think you know what you are doing, sad huh.
Trump's marriage to the Evangelicals demonstrates clearly America's religious like Trump are not Christians or share Christian values.

Kavanaugh Lies:

Conservative on:

"But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." James 2:18


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