Reagan Raised Taxes

Reagan Raised Taxes
Reagan Raised Taxes
Reagan Raised Taxes
Reagan Raised Taxes

If Ronald Reagan came back today, he wouldn't know who Ronald Reagan was? The GOP has used Reagan to justify their bad policies for so long it is time republicans of sense realized who Reagan was and what he really did. And kudos to Ronnie for his bipartisan work on Social Security.

"Faced with looming deficits, Reagan raised taxes again in 1983 with a gasoline tax and once more in 1984, this time by $50 billion over three years, mainly through closing tax loopholes for business. Despite the fact that such increases were anathema to conservatives–and probably cost Reagan’s successor, George H.W. Bush, reelection–Reagan raised taxes a grand total of four times just between 1982-84." Read article here.


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