Shut Up and Think
"It seems to be a constant throughout history: In every period, people believed things that were just ridiculous, and believed them so strongly that you would have gotten in terrible trouble for saying otherwise. ¶ Is our time any different? To anyone who has read any amount of history, the answer is almost certainly no. It would be a remarkable coincidence if ours were the first era to get everything just right." From link below. My wife often tells me my ideas are too offsetting, isn't that a wonderful euphemism, actually she is harsher. But I have learned through time, a long time, rule one, in social and corporate life, never tell them what you think. Doesn't that conflict with your person, your sense of self, shouldn't you be free enough to say what you think? Two examples. We are at a dinner party when the topic of jobs comes up, what to do, what to do. My wife knows my feelings on this topic, but I shut up. Hint, every single person at our table owns ...